Inaugural Projects

Turn your Doing to Done implementation into a series of small projects so you can win, win, and win some more! 

Use Your Trusted System to create Your Trusted System—so meta.

Your turn. Remember to add one next action (doing) to each project (done).

Your First Week

Week 1: Goal—build momentum with small wins. Your keystone work beats lead the way. Win the moment, win the day, win the week—with this proven jump-start plan.

Daily practices:

The Hero Flow: Brain Sweep + Transform It (1 beat)

The Hero Flow creates clarity. Here’s the link to the Hero Flow template (link) to help you get started.

  • Schedule a daily time; show up for your date with yourself. (In)
  • Start a 15-minute timer, Brain Sweep for 5 minutes. Transform your Brain Sweep into Doing and Done statements for 10 minutes. (Do)
  • Stop. Notice what has your attention and the clarity you created. (Win!)


Do It (1 beat). Creates momentum

Doing one next action creates momentum.

  1. Select one next action from your Doing list. (In)
  2. Use a timer, work on the action for 15-minutes or less. (Do)
  3. Stop. Notice your clarity of action, alignment, and momentum.(Win!)

Weekly practice:

Weekly—Review It (3 beats).

Reviewing your trusted system weekly creates perspective (p.127). Here’s a link to the Review It template (link) to help you get started.

  1. Schedule a weekly time; show up for your date with yourself. (In)
  2. Use a timer, Review, Reflect, Reset—one beat each. (Do)
  3. Stop. Notice your perspective, your ability to create a fresh start. (Win!)