Role Project Action

Projects come in all shapes and sizes. The purpose of a project is to create something new or implement a change, whereas a practice creates value through repetition. A project has a defined beginning and end. Project statements describe done.

Action statements describe the next action—doing.

Wherever you are on your journey, here are some examples to inspire you as you develop your actions (doing) and projects (done) by role.

Role: Self

Project: Passport renewed
One next action: Fill out forms on website

Project: Dentist appointment scheduled
One next action: Call dentist at 123-456-7890

Project: Look into getting a different car
One next action: Explore prices ranges on Kelly Blue Book site

: Fitness

Project: 10 three-mile walks completed
One next action: Put workout clothes in front of door

Project: Three months of CrossFit completed
One next action: Call CrossFit gym to sign up

Project: Boston City Marathon completed
One next action: Visit Boston City Marathon website to get information


Role: Financial

Project: Budget for new year defined
One next action: Analyze spending from past year

Project: Trust/Will for family created
One next action: Email HR to get information about legal support services provided by the company

Project: Life Insurance purchased
One next action: Call Jeff to see who he uses for life insurance.

Project: New house purchased
One next action: Call Arianna at Sotheby’s to start the search process

: Student

Project: Fall class registration completed.
One next action: Review requirements and select classes

Project: Off-campus housing for next year found
One next action: Text friends to see if they are interested

Project: Look into internship opportunities
One next action: Check out opportunities on school portal

: Husband

Project: Wife’s birthday celebrated
One next action: Call restaurant to make reservation

Project: 10th wedding anniversary celebrated
One next action: Google 10th wedding anniversary gift ideas

: Guest bedroom shower head replaced
One next action: Buy new shower head at hardware store

: Wife

Project: Look into house refinancing options
One next action: Call Sherry to see who she used

Project: 10th wedding anniversary celebrated
One next action: Book hotel reservation at our honeymoon hotel in Hawaii

Project: Spring garden planted
One next action: Buy plants at garden center

Role: Parent

Project: Collin’s college applications submitted
One next action: Call financial advisor to get college savings account information

Project: Jason’s retainer replaced
One next action: Call orthodontist to make appointment

Project: School band fundraiser completed
One next action: Pick up fundraising materials at school on Saturday

Role: Career

Project: Presentation skills class completed
One next action: Brainstorm presentation ideas

Project: Presentation at conference delivered
One next action: Submit presentation proposal on conference portal

Project: Look into new job opportunities
One next action: Sign up for “job search best practice” course

: Caregiver

Project: Mom’s cataract surgery completed
One next action: Pick up medications at the pharmacy

Project: Dad’s heart situation resolved
One next action: Waiting for Dad to schedule doctor's appointment

Project: Long-term care for mom and dad resolved with parents and siblings
One next action: Bring up the topic with mom and dad at my next visit